Matthew Gatland


June 08, 2017

The fifteenth game from my one-game-a-day project.

Play Follower or scroll down to learn more.

follower screenshot

Simple line follower game, heavily borrowing ideas from a game I saw on Scratch. (I unfortunately can no longer find original Scratch project the credit them.)

It’s quite fun to play.

At this point in the game-a-day project I was starting to fall behind and miss days. I tried to set up some reusable javascript so I could make the next few games more quickly and easily.

This game supports touch controls but not very well. The buttons trigger when you lift your finger, not when you press it down. This makes it a lot harder than it is when playing with a keyboard.

My tweet from the release:

hi i am matthew and i make a game every day using javascript. Here is today’s game! #100DaysNZ

See the full twitter thread.