Matthew Gatland

What Happens Next

May 04, 2013

Yesterday was my last day at work.

It’s been a lovely week. My “surrogate team” in Auckland took me out for lunch, and generally showed a lot of love that I wasn’t expecting. I haven’t worked with them for over a year, but they still remember me.

My real team is spread out across three countries. On my last day, I brought cake for my office, but also arranged cake deliveries for my teammates around the world. It was fun getting emails and Skype messages as each cake arrived at its destination.

Everyone’s been friendly and supportive. I don’t feel like I’m quitting a job – it’s more like I’m graduating from a school, with my teachers and classmates saying goodbye and wishing me the best.

The next six months

Lots of people have asked what I’m going to do next. Here’s the plan:

  1. Release a game every week, for four weeks
  2. Release a game every month, for four months
  3. Make a new plan

I want to make larger games eventually, but not yet. Even a fairly simple indie game can take years. Starting with tiny one-week projects will help me learn and get feedback much more quickly.

The writer Ray Bradbury says that the best way to learn to write is by writing short stories. If you start writing a novel, it could take you a year and it might not be very good.

But if you write a short story ever week, then after 52 weeks you will have learned a lot. You’ll have 52 finished works. They won’t all be good, but “I defy you to write 52 bad ones.”